History of the Santa Fe Railway
This history comprises of the original charter, original track
thru Topeka, Kansas, early Harvey Houses and finally, the Illinois
and Missouri Divisions. Information obtained from a webpage that
is closing as of July 30, 2001. This information is being re-produced
here account it would have been lost if I hadn't copied and pasted
to my own site.
Original Charter
Copy of original charter of the Atchison, & Topeka Rail Road
- Chapter XLVII. Approved February 11th, 1859, Laws of Kansas
AN ACT Incorporating the Atchison and Topeka Railroad Company.
SECTION 1. - That S. C. Pomeroy, C. K. Holliday, Luther C. Challis,
Peter T. Abell, Milton C. Dickey, Asaph Allen, Samual Dickson,
Nelson L. Gordon, Geo. S. Hillyer, Lorenzo D. Bird, Jeremiah Murphy,
Geo. H. Fairchild and R. L. Crane, with such other persons as
may associate with them for that purpose, are hereby incorporated
a body politic and corporate, by the name of the "Atchison
and Topeka Railroad Company," and under that name and style
shall be capable of suing and being sued, impleading and be impleaded,
defending and being defended against, in law and equity, in all
courts and places; may make and use a common seal and alter or
renew the same, be capable of contracting and be contracted with,
and are hereby invested with all powers, privileges, immunities
and franchises, and of acquiring, by purchase or otherwise, and
of holding and conveying real and personal estate, which may be
needful to carry into effect fully the purposes and objects of
this act.
SECTION 2. - The said company is hereby authorized and empowered
to survey, locate, construct, coplete, alter, maintain and operate
a railroad, with one or more tracks, from or near Atchison, on
the Missouri River, in Kansas Territory, to the town of Topeka,
in Kansas Territory, and to such point on the southern or western
boundry of the said Territory, in the direction of Santa Fe, in
the Territory of New Mexico, as may be most convenient and suitable,
for the construction of such railroad; and, also to construct
a branch of said railroad to any points on the southern boundry
of said Territory of Kansas in the direction of the Gulf of Mexico.
SECTION 3. - The said company are hereby authorized, and shall
have the right-of-way upon, and may appropriate to its sole use
and control, for the purposes contemplated herein, land, not exceeding
one hundred feet in width, thru the entire length of said road,
upon such route as may be determined; and, for the purposes of
depots, side tracks, cuttings and embankments, for building engine
houses and shops or wood and water stations, may take more land,
earth or material, as may be necessary, for the construction or
completion, operation, preserving and maintaining said road.
SECTION 4. - All such lands, materials and privileges, belonging
to this Territory, or state hereafter, are hereby granted to such
railroad, for the purpose named in the previous section; and may
construct such road on or across other railroads, common roads,
rivers or streams which it may intersect in sufficient manner
not to materially impair its usefulness.
SECTION 5. - The capital stock of said corporation shall be one
million and five hundred thousand dollars, which may be increased,
from time to time, to any sum not exceeding the amount expended
on account of said road, divided into shares of one hundred dollars
each, which shall be deemed personal property, issued and transferred
as may be ordered by the directors or laws of said company.
SECTION 6. - All the corporate powers of said company shall be
vested in and exercised by a board of directors, and such officers
and agents as they may appoint. The board of directors shall consist
of thirteen persons, stockholders, three of whom, at least, shall
be residents of Kansas, who shall be chosen annually, by the stockholders,
each share having one vote by person or proxy, and continue in
office until their successors are elected and qualified: vacancies
in the board may be filled by a vote of two-thirds of the remaining
SECTION 7. - The president and directors, for the time being,
are hereby empowered or their officers or agents, to execute all
the power herein granted for the purpose of surveying, locating,
constructing and operating said railroad and branches and for
transportation of persons, goods and merchandise, and authority
of contract and management of the affairs, as may be necessary
to carry into effect the intent of this act.
SECTION 8. - The said company shall have power to make, ordain
and establish such by-laws, rules and regulation as may be deemed
expedient for the objects and interests of the company: Provided,
they be not inconsistent with the laws of the United States, or
of this Territory. They shall have power to establish such rates
for transportaition and collect the same, and matters and things
respecting the use of said road, the transportation or persons
or property as may be necessary.
SECTION 9. - It may be lawful for said railroad company, their
agents or engineers for the purpose of exploring, surveying or
locating said road, to enter upon any lands, doing no unnecessary
damage, without the consent of the owner, and may acquire by release,
donation or otherwise, any lands and may hold the same or convey
to others, or use the same in any manner deemed for the interests
of said company.
SECTION 10. - If said company cannot obtain the right-of-way by
purchase or otherwise, or if the owners refuse to agree upon terms,
or where the owner is unknown, non-resident, idiot or under age,
either party may make application to the district where the lands
are situated, upon notice posted ten days in some public place,
making the appointment of commissioners to appraise the damage
to lands required for the purpose of the road.
SECTION 11. - Upon such application being made to such judge,
he shall appoint three disinterested persons to act as commissioners
for the appraisal of all such damages, taking into consideration
the advantages as well as any injury to the parties interested
in such lands; said commissioners shall by public notice, appoint
a time and place, and may adjourn, if necessary, for hearing the
parties, and proceed to examine the lands, ascertain and determine
the damage, if any, and, under oath, impartially and justly to
appraise the lands necessary for the use of said company and faithfully
perform the duty to the best of their judgment and ability. They
or a majority of them, shall make up and sign the award to the
parties judge of the district court. The commissioners making
such appraisal shall be entitled to pay for their services (at
the rate) of three dollars per day and ordinary traveling expenses,
which shall be paid by said company.
SECTION 12. - If either party feel aggrieved by such appraisal
or award, he may appeal within twenty days after such award is
made known, by giving notice to that effect to the opposite party,
otherwise both parties shall be bound by the award and the amount
shall be paid, upon application of the persons entitled to receive
the same. In case of the appeal, a bond shall be filed for the
costs in the court, to be paid by the party who shall be entitled
to pay the same, as determined by the court aforesaid.
SECTION 13. - In case of appeal or disagreement in regard to the
damages, the railroad company may occupy, for the purpose of the
construction of the road, by giving satisfactory security to the
judge of said court for the ultimate payment of the damages so
SECTION 14. - If any person shall carelessly, willfully or maliciously
hinder, delay or obstruct the workmen, or the passage of trains,
or shall place any obstruction on the tracks, or in any manner
injure or destroy any tools, cars or other property of said railroad,
or pertaining to it, or aid or abet any person in the commission
of such tresspass, all such person shall forfeit and pay said
company, agents or servants, trebel the damages, as shall be proved
by any court, and shall be liable to indictment and imprisonment
for a term not exceeding five years, in the discretion of the
court who shall try the same.
SECTION 15. - Said corporation shall, within reasonable time after
said road or branches are definitely located, cause a map and
profile to be made of the route of said road, and file the same
in the office of the Secretary of the Territory.
SECTION 16. - When fifty thousand dollars have been subscribed
to the capital stock and ten percentum actually paid to the grantees
herein named, and a certificate from the majority of them, duly
authenticated, filed in the office of the secretary of this Territory,
they are authorized to organize the company and open books for
further subscription, requiring payments or installments from
time to time; and, in case of refusal or neglect on the part of
stockholders to make payment as required, the shares of such delinquents
may, after thirty days' public notice, be sold at auction, and
the surplus, if any, deducting payments and interest, shall be
paid to such stockholders.
SECTION 17. - When the citizens of any county or city of this
Territory are desirous of subscribing to the stock of said company,
the citizens of each city or country are authorized to purpchase,
subscribe or hold shares, not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars
in amount, as shall be determined by the country court or common
council making such subscription, in all respects as stock owned
by individuals; and such railroad company may dispose of bonds,
issued for such stock by said country or council, upon such terms
as may be necessary.
SECTION 18. - Subscriptions to the stock of said company may be
made in land, in the same manner as in cash, and said company
are hereby authorized to hold, purchase and convey the same, as
they may deem for their interest.
SECTION 19. - The company are hereby authorized to issue bonds
upon their road, or hold and sell the same, in such amounts, upon
such terms, above or below par, and at such rates of interest
as may be determined, which shall be binding upon the parties
interested; Provided, however, that said bonds shall not be issued
for a less sum than five hundred dollars.
SECTION 20. - This company shall have power to make such contracts
and arrangements with other railroads which connect with or intersect
the same, as may be mutully agreed upon by the parties, for leasing
or running their roads, or any part thereof, in connection with
roads in other States; and shall be empowered to consolidate their
property and stock with each other, such consolidation to take
place whenever such companies shall respectively agree upon the
terms and conditions; and shall have all the powers, previleges
and liablilities that they may hold by their separate charters,
by filing a copy of such articles of consolidation in the office
of the Secretary of this Territory.
SECTION 21. - This act to take effect and be in force from and
after its passage.
Speaker of House of Representatives.
C. W. Babcock
President of the Council.
approved February 11, 1859
S. MEDARY, Governor
NOTE: - Name changed to Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road
Company, November 24th 1863, by Directors. Incorporated under
reorganization, and name changed to the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe Railway Company, December 12, 1895.
The Start
Nine years after the original charter was issued: Viz: Friday,
October 30th, 1868, the first shovel full of dirt was thrown for
the construction on Washington Street, between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, in the city of Topeka, Col. C. K. Holliday, its First
President, stood on the newly made roadbed the first day it was
thrown up by Dan Blush, The contractor of North Topeka and made
a speech. Everybody laughed, when he talked of building to Santa
Fe, New Mexico and possibly to Galveston, Texas, both of which
predictions have long since been realized.
It was necessary for the new road to have track connection with
some other road to get material and rolling stock on their line
so the first rails were laid at North Topeka, March 23rd, 1869,
connecting with the Kansas Pacific (now Uniion Pacific) at their
depot across Kansas Avenue, where the present freight depot is
located. The first dirt thrown however, and the first demonstration
was on the South side of the river at the place named. The original
Main Line was in Washington Street, Topeka. It was subsequently
changed and moved West in the spring of 1880-'81 under the direction
Mr. Geo. B. Lake and the writer.
NOTE: - (The Topeka Weekly Record of October 14th, 1868, now on
file in the State Historical society says the work would start
in a few days. The same paper of October 28th, 1868, advertises
for 500 laborers to work on the new grade, nothing more can be
found in this paper. Records not complete. Webb Wilder's History
says: "Work began Friday, October 30th, 1868. The surveys
having been started September 30th, 1868, by Capt. John R. Ellinwood,
Assistant Chief Engineer, under Col. T. J. Peter, Superintendent
and Chief Engineer. Captain Ellinwood was really the man that
had immediate charge of the surveys, grading, bridging, etc.,
and did all the work of the Chief Engineer. Dan Blush of North
Topeka was the first contractor and threw the first dirt near
Fourth and Washington Streets.) Col. Peter had been City Engineer
of Cincinnati, Ohio.
The First Time Card
The first time card was published May 1st, 1869, connecting at
North Topeka with the Kansas Pacific Railroad and ending temporarily
at end of track west of Topeka. It was strung from North Topeka
to Burlingame. The stations seem to have been established before
the track was laid and the time figured out as the latter did
not reach Burlingame until September 18th, 1869. It connected
at the latter place with the Barlow, Sanderson & Company's
Overland Stage line.
In Effect May 1, 1859
Read Down
No. 3 | No. 1 | | No. 2 | No. 4 |
P. M.| A. M.| | P. M. | A. M. |
3:00 | 7:30 | Lv. North Topeka Arr. | 1:25 | 8:35 |
3:05 | 7:35 | Topeka | 1:20 | 8:30 |
3:45 | 8:15 | Pauline | 12:40 | 7:50 |
4:10 | 8:40 | Wakarusa | 12:15 | 7:25 |
4:45 | 9:15 | Carbondale | 11:40 | 6:50 |
5:05 | 9:35 | Scranton | 11:20 | 6:30 |
5:35 | 10:05 | Arr. Burlingame Lv. | 10:50 | 6:00 |
| | | | P. M. |
Read Up
Trains run daily execpt Sunday. Connect at South Topeka
with Kansas Pacific and at Burlingame with Barlow, Sanderson
& Co. Overland Stage.
T. J. Peter W. W. Fagan
General Manager Superintendent.
The first lunch stand and Eating House established on the Santa
Fe Railroad was at Topeka, Ks. It was run under a contract with
Mr. Peter Kline, of Topeka, and the Santa Fe Railroad Co., executed
by Mr. C. F. Morse, Superintendent, Topeka. Mr. Kline sold out
in the spring of 1876, to Mr. Fred Harvey, of Leavenworth, Kansas.
Mr. Harvey's first manager at Topeka was Mr. Guy Potter of Leavenworth.
Mr. Potter was succeeded by Mr. Richard Jeffrey. The second Eating
House and first motel was established at Florence, Kansas, April
1st, 1876, by Mr. Ben. Putman. He sold out to J. A. Pike &
Co., June 14th, 1876. They sold out to Mr. Fred Harvey, January
1st, 1878.
Mr. M. Fisher of Leavenworth, Kansas was Mr. Harvey's first manager,
succeeded by Mr. Wm. H. Phillips, of Chicago, who named the house
"The Clifton Hotel". Mr. Phillips was succeeded by Mr.
Joe Irwin.
From Mr. R. T. Battey, a pioneer citizen and banker of Florence,
Kansas, the following information was given the writer, relative
to the early history of the Florence Eating House and hotel.
"Mr. Battey lived at Florence when the Santa Fe road reached
the town, viz; May 11th, 1871. He says that Mr. Ben Putman opened
the first Eating House and Hotel in Florence, April 1st, 1876.
It was a rented building on the north side of the track on private
ground. He had a contract with the Santa Fe Railroad Company for
hotel privileges and also a contract for building a new hotel
on Santa Fe ground. The material had began to arrive. Putman got
into financial trouble and threw up the job. He sold to J. A.
Pike & Co., (Battey being the company). They finished the
hotel and opened it June 14th, 1876, and ran it as an Eating House
and Hotel for over a year when Fred Harvey appeared in the later
part of December 1877. He made them an offer to buy the hotel
and furniture and as they were obligated to the Santa Fe company
to relinquish the lease on 30 days notice, they accepted Mr. Harvey's
off and sold out the hotel and furniture on which date Mr. Harvey
executed a lease with the Santa Fe Company for the hotel, etc.
He paid J. A. Pike & Co., the sum of $4,370.00 for the hotel
and $1,000.00 for the furniture, etc. a total of $5,370.00
The Santa Fe afterwards bought the hotel from Mr. Harvey. It was
moved away and abandoned as an Eating House in 1901. The old building
is now in use in Florence, used as a Rooming House. Sold to four
different parties.
Mr. Harvey had previously been in partnership before coming on
the Santa Fe with Mr. Jeff Rice, running restaurants on the Union
Pacific. They dissolved in 1877. Mr. D. Benjamin came with Mr.
Harvey in 1882.
A great many people think that the late W. B. Strong brought Mr.
Harvey to the Santa Fe but this is a mistake. Mr. Harvey's first
venture on the Santa Fe was at Topeka in the spring of 1876. His
authority for a lunch counter and Eating House at Topeka was made
with Mr. C. F. Morse, Superintendent at Topeka. Mr. Strong came
on the Road as Vice-President and General Manager, December 17th,
1877. He came from the S.B. & Q.R.R. Mr. Harvey held the position
of commercial Agent on that Road, at Leavenworth. No doubt their
old friendship was made stronger when Mr. Strong came to the Santa
Fe. Mr. Harvey resigned on the Burlington, January 1, 1878.
Mr. Harvey was born in the City of London, England, June 27th,
1836. Died in Leavenworth, Kansas, February 9th, 1901.
Statement that R. L. Engle made preliminary survey, Chicago Division,
in 1884, for entire line, Sheffield to Ancona. A. A. Robinson
says B. F. Booker, made the first surveys(?)
1884 - Fall. Horace Ropes, Loco. Engr. J. H. Snow, Levelman H.
C. Todd , Transitman C. M. Duncan, Topographer
Began surveys at Ft. Madison - end, Dallas City, early in December
1884. Ran line Ft. Madison to 20 miles east of Galesburg. Mr.
R. L. Engle in charge of this work, Engle reporting to party named
Morse at Kansas City Stock Yards, completing work at Chicago,
in March 1885. (Col. C. F. Morse)
Began again in February, 1886, at Keokuk, Iowa, with eight locating
parties - John A. Fulton, Sanford Horton, -- Weeks, Horace R.
Ropes, A. L. Robinson, A. C. Swartz, C. S. Carpenter, M. F. Temple,
R. C. Simmons. - December 1886, moved to Kansas City. January
1887, construction began.
George E. Earle, Division Engineer, Construction south of Green
River to north of Bucklin, Mo., on J. A. Fulton Residency, Headquarters
- Rockville. Quite early in 1888.
First Construction Engineering expenditures are dated November
1886, B. F. Booker, et al.
A. A. Robinson had personal memorandum books showing his personal
connection with railroad matters. These should be obtained from
Mr. Robinson, if possible.
A. A. Robinson, received instructions January 1, 1887, to begin
construction and complete line within year. Track was laid but
operation held up by delay at Sibley Bridge.
J. A. Dailey says R. L. Engle had charge of Chicago office at
Room 56, Lakeside Building and that he reported November 21, 1883
for work at that address. December 12, 1883. First surveys parties
CHICAGO TERMINAL - Engineer Nourse of Railway notified Department
of Public Works, that he was going to proceed with construction
of the Railway Company's Terminal in Chicago. - First permit dated,
October 19, 1887. Last Permit dated April 13, 1888,
Later in August 1, 1889 they secured Ordinance for joint entrance
with CM&N Ry. From I&M Canal to Stewart Avenue.
9th PARAGRAPH: - Says line was changed from 49th Street to present
location in 1887. Ordinance was not passed until August 1, 1889
and it was sometime later before rail was laid - 1887-1888.
10th PARAGRAPH:- Only that part of G. T. Line known as 26th Street
leased to I. N. Ry. - The 49th Street line leased to C. J. Ry.
For 99 years.
7th PARAGRAPH:- Dated given as April 29, 1888 first train.
First Train was as follows:-
Despatcher's Order #1568 Chicago, September 2, 1887
Conductor Santa Fe Engine #3 - 49th St.
Run wild to Polk Street, Chicago. Look out for wild trains.
12 W.J.H.
On 1027 A. Moreland - J. F. Downey.
January 29th, to April 28th, 1888 Operating Department ran
accommodation train out of Argentine. Began using Kansas City
Terminal April 29, 1888.
B. F. Booker, Chief Engineer - Kansas City
Octave Chanute, Consulting Engineer of Bridges - K. C.
John F. Wallace, Engr. Sibley, Bridge, - K. C.
Emerson W. Grant, Resident Engineer.
R. S. Muir, Resident Engineer.
Geo. M. Earle,. Resident Engineer. Sec. 194 212
P. F. Barr, Resident Engineer. Sec. 155-193
G. W. Vaughn, Resident Engineer.
B. F. Crocker, Engr. Buildings, Chicago
F. M.. Bisbee, Supt. Tracklaying - Kansas City
Williams Holt and Wheeler, Attorneys - Chicago
Craig Hunter, Chief Clerk to Chief Engineer - Kansas City
Sub-structure Sibley Bridge, contracted, January 10, 1887
Sub-structure Ft. Madison Bridge contracted February 15, 1887
Kansas City to Des Moines River - B. F. Booker, C.E.
Des Moines River to Chicago - P. F. Barr, C.E.
Des Moines River to Chicago - G. W. Vaughn
Sibley (Missouri River) Bridge - (Original Structure)
For article on construction, with photo of progress and lithograph
of original plans, with discussion by O. Chanute, John F. Wallace
and W. H. Breithaupt, see American Society of Engineers Transactions,
Vol. XXI, September 1889, page 97.
For permits for tracks laid in Chicago as given by Commissioner
of Public Works, see Chief Engineer System file 864. See file
867 for copies of ordinances all lines in Chicago
Sheet #2 - Comments and Additional Historical Data - (continued)
Page 36 1816 - First suggestion made for canal and R/W obtained
for Indians. & 37 1822 - Congress passed an act authorizing
State of Illinois to construct canal over the public lands and
niety-feet of land was given on each side of canal to state
1823 - Legislature of Illinois appointed a Board of Canal Commissioners
to make estimate and examination. Cost of Survey to State $10,000.
1827 - Another Act passed by congress, which granted to State
a quantity of land equal to one half of five sections on each
side of the canal, and reserving each alternate section to United
1829 - New Board organized with power to make further surveys
and begin the work.
1831 - By a further Act, Commissioners authorized to lay out towns
and did lay off and sell lots in Chicago and Ottawa.
1833 - By a further Act passed granting to State Right to construct
a railroad in place of a canal.
1835 - General assembly of Illinois passed an act entitled An
Act for the construction of the I&M Canal. Board of Canal
Commissioners appointed.
1836 - Above act repealed and new board selected. Work began -
July 4
Public notice given that sealed proposals would be received from
May 25 to June 6, for construction of Summit Div. Of Canal. Contracts
let and labor performed to amount of $35,744.83. Commissioners
laid off town lots at Chicago and sold them to amount of $1,000,000.00,
with understanding that canal was to be completed.
1837 - Legislature passed an amendatory act of 1836 to aid in
its completion. Commissioners also sold lots and lands to assist
in paying off Canal Debt.
1842 - Nov. 12. 100.88 miles of Canal completed.
1843 - Act passed to provide for the completion of the I&M
Canal and for the payment of canal debt. Trustees appointed.
1848 - Canal completed. For detail information, see report of
Canal Commission, dated 12-1-1900 on file law department, Chicago
Do not find in history of I&M Canal any reference to fact
that it was built by an English Syndicate. - Only English was
the Mill - Right and the Prince of Wales who opened the Canal.
Page 36 - 11th PARAGRAPH: Statement is made that right - of -
way is joint in Chicago with Illinois Central which is in error,
as Right - of - way is owned by each company separately, only
the surplus is still owned jointly.
5th PARAGRAPH: Bernard F. Booker - Born August 22, 1858, Buffalo,
N.Y. Graduate Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Md., July 1877.
Head Chainman, Surveys, N.M. in 1878. Various capacities in Kansas
and New Mexico untill 1881 - Asst. Engr. Constn. Completing connection
at Deming with Southern Pacific. 1881-3, Location and Construction
MN&A ry. - 1882, Sept. 11, married Miss Mary Steffan, Virginia
City, Nev. - 1883, Tampico Branch, M.C. Ry. Mexico - 1885, CB&Q
Ry., Colorado1886, Spring Surveys in Missouri for AT&SF Ry.
Chief Asst. Engineer in charge construction Chicago, line, Kansas
City to Des Moines River. - 1888, October, transferred to Texas,
Chief Engineer, M. W. GC&SF Ry. Transferred to Topeka - Surveys
I. T. Okla. And New Mexico 1893, December, resigned, account failing
health, going to City of Mexico. - 1894, July 21st, Died in Virvinia
City, Nevada. Widow and three children living. - 1885 - October
7th. Jr. Member of A.S.C. Engineers. - 1891, June 2nd, Member
A.S.C. Engineers.
Original location of line was from Crawford Avenue east, (City
Limits) followed present location to about Leavitt Street; thence
along north side of I&M Canal to Terminal east of Ashland
Kansas City - Chicago Line. Last gap in tracklaying closed West
of Medill, MO,. At Engineer's Station, 1737+50 December 31, 1887,
at 8 P.M.
MO. Div. - Track laid over Mississippi River Bridge, November
15th to December 16th, 1887.
Tracklaying in Iowa began April 1, 1887, ended December 31, 1887.
Connecting with track laid from La Plata, east. See Exhibit with
dates attached.
Wm. R. Smith of Kansas City purchased the R/W of the Kansas City
- End of Line,
C. S. F. & Ry. Turned over to Operating Department, April
29, 1888.
Original Lease C&WI Depot and Terminal, dated May 21, 1887.
Effective December 1, 1887. Supplemental lease was dated September
19, 1887, first used by AT&SF, September 25, 1887.
7th PARAGRAPH - P. E. Heman now living at Joliet was first conductor
on train of April 29, 1888. 12:05 Noon.
Line opened for operation Ft. Madison to Anconia, January 1, 1888.
Hinkley - constructed from the Grand Trunk Jct. - commenced in
1884. Completed in 1885.
Sheet #3 - Comments and Additional Historical Data (Continued)
Illinois Division - (Continued)
Page 37 - The first station was at 26th street and Western Avenue.
The next was just east of Ashland Avenue and south of the river,
the main line being now known as Elevator Track.
JOLIET TRACK ELEVATION: Nov. 18, 1904. Date of M.L. Ordinance
#2160. Jan 22, 1906. Date of Ordinance #2219, See Sec. #20709,
Branch Line.
Joint ownership, see letter W. B. Storey to W. D. Taylor - 2/8/08
see letter W. D. Taylor to W. B. Storey - 2/28/08
Tracklaying - Ancona to Ft. Madison, started in 1887 - completed
to Ft. Madison April 26, 1888 See detail Exhibit Attached.
Track Elevation - 16th and Clark Street: - Elevation and depression
of tracks. See completed report dated, October 1899, made by major
G. W. Vaughn, Engineer in Charge in file 100-U-CES Chicago office,
elevating 7 miles of track; 4847-Lin. Ft. Of retaining walls and
abutments containing about 17,000 Cu. Yds. Of concrete masonry.
Joint with L.S.& M.S. Ry. - C.R.I. & P. Ry. - C. &
W.I. RR. - C.M.& N. RR. - AT&SF ry. Co. In Chicago - C.&
A. RR. - St. Cal. RR.
Work done by Advisory Board with representatives from each Railway.
February 1, 1898, James Dun, Chief Engineer - AT&SF Ry. -
Chairman of Board.
March 1, 1898 - Maj. G. W. Vaughn, Engineer in charge.
April 14, 1898 - Contract for masonry 1st to Brownell Impvt. Co.
April 24, 1898 - Work began on Masonry
April 27, 1898 - Clark street closed to traffic.
July 29, 1898 - Tracks raised on sand, beginning of work.
Aug. 11, 1898 - Tracks raised on sand, completed
Nov. 4, 1898 - Tracks laid in final position
Oct. 1, 1899 - Date of final completion and cost report.
Track Elevation (Joint) 18th Street and I&M Canal. - C.M.
& N. - C.& A. - AT&SF - Contract by Board composed
of Chief Engineer of each company, James Dun, Chief Engineer.
AT&SF Ry / Major Vaughn, Engineer in Charge. Bluett Lee, Attorney.
First Meeting August 13, 1900. Cost to AT&SF Ry. $554,604.36
May 22, 1899 - Ordinance Passed.
Jan. 15, 1900 - Ordinance passed and accepted by Company Surveys
made Summer and Fall of 1900 and Spring of 1901
Feb. 5, 1901 - Contract for bridges let to A. B. Co.
Feb. 18, 1901 - Contract for concrete work to Brownell Impv. Company.
May 25, 1901 - Contract for sand filling to Knickerbocker Ice
Apr. 26, 1901 - Work of elevation begun
Aug. 9, 1901 - Contract for bridge erection Kelly Atkinson Co..
Job contains 48,009 C. Yds. Concrete. 588,868 Cubic Yards sand.
Apr. , 1903 - All tracks elevated.
Jul. 30, 1904 - Bridge work completed.
1893 miles of track elevated at a cost of $99,337.92, per mile
of $18.814 per Lin. Ft.
For details see completion report of Major G. W. Vaughn, dated
October15,1904 and on file in Chief Engineer System, file 100-B
Page 37 - 4th PARAGRAPH: - Says grading was started in 1871-1872.
My record shows grading was finished in 1871, between Ancona and
Chicago. Tracklaying finished September 21, 1872.
Between Pekin and Streator, 57.7 miles - Tracklaying began at
Pekin June 1, 1872 and completed to Streator, September 16, 1872.
Preliminary Survey started June 29, 1869 by A. E. Blount.
The amount of rental paid to the C. & W. I. RR Co. For rent
of Dearborn Station by the Santa Fe is $100,000.00 per annum with
a deduction of $30,000 per annum, making a net total of $70,000.00.
In addition to this we also pay 1/6 of the rental and taxes paid
by the C. & W.I. to the A.T. & S. F. For rent of Plymouth
Place property, and a like proportion of the rent paid by the
C. & W. I. To the Wabash for rent of property between 12th
and 15th streets, from which is deducted a proportion of the trackage
charge recieved by the C. & W.I. from the Chespeake &
Ohio, which is credited to income in the C. & W.I. Accounts.
Contracts for the building of Dearborn Station were let in 1883.
The station was opened for business in May 1885. There was no
general contract. The work was all divided up between the following
contractors, to wit;
Joseph Downey - Foundation
H. A. Streeter - Iron Work
Tomlinson & Reed - Cut Stone
Perth-Amboy Terra Cotta Co. - Terra Cotta
Edward Hudson - Carpenter work
Durham Drainage Co. - Drains
E. R. Davis - Roofing
Frank Tudor - Heating
M. J. Carboy - Plumbing
Dauchy & Company - Lighting Fixtures
H. Diblee - Tile Floors
Healy & Millett - Stained Glass
J. B. Sullivan & Bro. - Painting
> Pencil note says Architect was C. L. W Eidlitz
Chicago to East Fort Madison (State Line) 230 miles long.
For that portion in Chicago: Incorporated in Illinois as the Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company in Chicago, May 11, 1887.
Sold March 6th, 1902 to the A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co..
For that portion outside of Chicago: incorporated in Illinois
as the Chicago, Santa Fe & California Railway Company. December
3rd, 1886. Sold June 1st, 1900 to the A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co.
Lines in Chicago, Dearborn Station to Crawford Avenue - 6.43 miles,
less C. & W.I. RR. Co., Dearborn Station to Stewart Avenue,
1.43 miles. Total 5.00 miles, completed into Chicago in 1886 and
'87 by President F. E. Hinkley, under the old Chicago, Pekin &
Southwestern R.R. Company, Charter i.e. that portion from Ancona
to Chicago. (See description Pekin Branch)
R.L. Engle made preliminary survey as early as 1884 for the entire
line Sheffield to Ancona, followed by B. F. Booker, Horace R.
Ropes and others in 1886-87. They ran several lines from Keokuk
and other points.
P. F. Barr was appointed Chief Engineer of Location and contstruction
January 1st, 1887, under A. A. Robinson, form Des Moines River
to Chicago. Succeeded later by Major Geo W. Vaughn.
Grading was started January 1st 1887. Finished in 1887. The first
train out of Chicago run by the Santa Fe was April 29th, 1888,
at which time, the Chicago line passed to the operating department.
D J. Chase was General Superintendent and Mr. A. H. Crocker, Division
Superintendent. Mr. Chase was succeeded by H. R. Nicherson and
Mr. Crocker by H. C. Ives.
The Santa Fe used the 26th Street Line (Grand Trunk) when they
first went into Chicago to reach Dearborn Station. They changed
to their own line as above described on July 20th, 1887, when
they bought the line.
The Santa Fe as before stated, bought the 26th Street Line from
the Grand Trunk Railway Company, July 20th, 1887, Leased to the
Illinois Northern Railway Company, August 1st, 1902, for fifty
The Santa Fe use the lift span, East of Ashland Avenue, over Chicago
River, under a contract (Sec's. No. 14101) The Chicago, Madison
& Northern (Illinois Central) have joint Right-of-way in Chicago
with the Santa Fe from about 21st Street to a point between Kedsie
and California Avenues, about Mile Post 5, where they diverge.
(see map of Chicago)
The old stone piers now abandoned, in Chicago, just west of the
lift span over the Chicago River, each side of Ashland Avenue,
were built by a steel company on their own ground and at thier
expense. The spur track turned out of the C. & A..
The line between Chicago and Joliet is built between two canals.
The Illinois and Michigan on the South side, built in 1837 by
an English Syndicate, sold to the U. S. Government who donated
it to the State of Illinois, who deepened it between 18709 and
1880; and the Drainage Canal on the north side, built in 1893-'99.
Sheet #2 - Illinois Division.
The track elevation in Chicago, 16th and Clark Streets, started
April 24, 1891, finished October 1, 1899; 18th Street and Ashland
Avenue, started April 26, 1901, finished October 15, 1904, Major
George W. Vaughn, Engineer in charge.
There was a change of line west of Corwith; also at Lemont and
Lockport and the east end of Joliet Yard, by reason of building
the Sanitary Canal. (See maps in Chief Engineer's Office.)
Track elevation was started in Joliet: Santa Fe, February 7, 1906.
Rock Island, 1910 and C. & A. 1910. All completed in 1912.
The Union Depot was started in 1911, and completed in 1912. Opened
November 1, 1912.
The old stone abutments (now abandoned) on the south side of the
track in the west end of Joliet Yard, over Hickory Creek, were
built in 1890, when a spur track was put in to get to the Western
Stome Company's quarry. This bridge was a Howe Truss and was washed
off in the big flood of 1902, whenall of Joliet was flooded.
The Santa Fe (Pekin Line) used to run under the C. & A. Bridge
at Hickory Creek, west end of Joliet Yard. The C. & W. Had
a Howe Truss Bridge. The Santa Fe bridge was a through girder,
the old abutment can still be seen; also the old roadbed on the
north side of the C. & A. They changed the alignment and the
Joliet Yard in 1890, and not run under the C. & A. Bridge
further west, on a seven degree thirty minute curve. B. Lantry
& Sons did the work in the long rock cut leading out to the
Patterson Road. At Ancona the Santa Fe changed the 7 degree 30'
curve and put in a 3 degree curve in the main line. This required
1.10 acres of ground, for which we paid $1800.00. It destroyed
two wells, required the moving of all the outbuildings, residences,
etc.. This was done in 1905, when the double track was built.
We use the C. & A. For double track (east bound) from Pequot
Station to Plains, a distance of 16.2 miles. (see contract 22761).
The piece of new track coming down the hill at Plaines Station
to get onto the Santa Fe belongs to the Santa Fe, built in 1905.
At Toluca, there is an old railroad grade built West of the station,
that was made by M. J. Devlin, to cross overhead to connect with
his Coal Road. The Toluca, Marquette and Northern. It died with
the death of Mr. Devlin.
At Dahinda, the Santa Fe made a big change of line in 1908-'09
when the double track was built. They put in a new steel bridge
over Spoon River on the new line, moved the depot to its present
location, etc. (see map) When this bridge was built in 1887-'88,
Mr. O. Chanute was the Consulting Engineer.
The original Illinois River bridge was under Mr. O. Chanute, Consulting
Engineer, under Mr. A. A. Robinson in 1887-'88. Rebuilt in 1906,
(draw span) There were long approaches to this bridge, when first
built. Filled up by contract with dump cars.
At Chillicothe, the Santa Fe owns a large gravel pit, 175 acres,
on the North side of the track, which furnished a very fine gravel
for ballasting and commercial purposes.
There is an old abandoned railroad grade in the East end of Dahinda
Yard, along the right bank of the Spoon River, that is graded
North for several miles to some coal mines. The bridges were partly
built To track was ever laid.
W. S. Love, Manager, started a boom cith, West edge of Lomax,
-1914. About one- hundred houses and some factories, etc. Were
built. For the present the boom seems to have died out. There
are many vacant houses.
Just west of Pontoosuc there are the remains of an old abandoned
roadbed on the North side of the track, built towards Fort Madison
for some distance, know as the Warsaw and Rockford Railroad, built
in 1856. Abandoned for lack of means to complete. Some bridges
were built, ties purchased and piled up at Dallas, Pontoosuc and
East Fort Madison. They were for Rockford, Illinois.
Pontoosuc Quarry, located on the south side of the track, about
two miles of Pontoosuc and 6.3 miles east of Ft. Madison. The
stone is known as Dolomite, which is well known for its hardness
and fire proof qualities. It is distinguished from lime stone
by its specific gravity; its hardness and its behavior with acids.
Owned by Druggist, Shaffer & Son, Ft. Madison.
The second track on the Illinois Division was completed during
the following years:
From To Month Year
Chicago Joliet 1905
Joliet Plaines 1904
Plaines Pequot (we use C&A East Bound-16.20 Miles)
Pequot Coal City November 1905
Coal City Kernan September 1906
Kernan Ancona November 1905
Ancona Leeds September 1906
Leeds Toluca December 1909
Toluca Ill. River Bridge November 1909
Ill. River Br. Chillicothe December 1910
Chillicothe Edelstein July 1911
Edelstein Knox July 1911
Knox Galesburg August 1909
Galesburg Smithshire September 1910
Smithshire E. Ft. Madison June 1909
The above dates were given corresponding to the President's authority.
Joliet Union Depot Company.
Incorporated in Illinois, October 11th, 1913, for 50 - years.
Capital stock authorized $30,000. $30,000. Issued - 291 shares.
9 shares to directors. Illinois Trust & Savings Bank, Trustees
for Railroad Company.
The following railroads use the depot:
A.T. &S.F. RY. Co.
C.R.I. & P. Ry. Co.
C. & A. R.R, Co.
The above railroads own equally the capital stock. The Union Depot
company does not own any tracks.
The Union Depot was started in 1911 and completed in 1912. Opened
November 1st, 1912. Jarvis Hunt, Architect. J. B. French, Engineer
and Inspector.
Mr. J. M. Meade,
TOPEKA, Kansas.
Dear Sir:
Would say, in reference to yours of recent date, that I was the
Conductor on Train #2, from Fort Madison to Chicago, on April
10th, 1889, This train was run into from the rear by an Extra
Stock Train, at Lorenzo, Illinois. A Mr. Hart, wife and six year
old son were killed and a young lady, a sister of Mr. Hart, was
killed, but cannot remember her name. There was also a Dr. Lamb
who was badly hurt, but finally recovered. Those people all lived
in Brookline, Mass. Mr. Hart at that time was one of the Directors
of the old Atlantic & Pacific R. R. There was also a colored
porter killed. I think his name was White and he lived in Los
The young lady, the colored porter and Mr. Hart's son were dead
when we removed them from the wreck. Mr. Hart and his wife passed
away a few days later, at the Hope Hospital in Chicago. They were
very badly burned. The engine of the stock train was burried full
length in the Special car. The steam pipes were broken and filled
the car with hot steam and did the deadly work. Myself and two
stock men from Lathrop Missouri, got the dead and injured out.
I do not remember the names of the two stock men, but they helped
me at a time when I much needed it and the Company did not forget
them for it, for they always had an annual pass while I was with
the Company.
Harry W. Lamb of Brookline, Mass, was the first one to get out.
He had wrapped himself up in blankets to keep the hot steam from
him, and that I think saved his life. When we carried him into
the little depot at Lorenzo, I went back to him and he had revived
and could talk a little. He asked for the young lady. I told him
that accounts for the bridal party, While Mr. Lamb was in the
hospital in Chicago, he sent for me. He said he owed his life
for me and said he always wanted to know where I was and the next
Christmas he sent me a check for $100.00.
Engine #531 was pulling #2 on this night, Engineer Jack Binder.
The wreck occurred at 4:07 in the morning.
Ancona to Pekin - 57.70 miles (less 5.91 miles belonging to the
T.P. & W. RR. Co. Which we run over from Streator Junction
to Pekin Junction. See contract Secretary's number 5813 with the
C.P. & SW. RR. Co. Made September 21st, 1872.
First Board of Directors elected June 29th, 1869.
This line was first projected, Chicago to Pekin and beyond and
was incorporated in Illinois as the Chicago, Pekin and South Western
R.R. Co. Name changed by act of the Legislature to the Chicago
and Plainfield R.R. Co. February 24th, 1859. Name change again
April 19th, 1869. Sold under foreclosure May 31st, 1881. Acquired
December 31st, 1883 by the C.St.L. & W. RR. Co.. Incorporated
again in Illinois as the Chicago & St. L. & W. RR. Co.
May 15th, 1882. Sold March 23rd, 1885 to the C. & St. L. Ry.
Co. Sold to the CSF&C Ry. Co., December 15th, 1886. Sold to
the AT&SF Ry. Co. June 1st, 1900. On the 15th day of December,
1886, the Santa Fe took possession of the line Chicago to Pekin.
Grading was started in 1871-2 at the Peking end. Mr. F. E. Hinkley
of Galesburg Ill., was the president. Elected January 9th, 1872.
A. E. Blount was the first Chief Engineer, W. P. Sisson of Galesburg
was the first superintendent. Succeeded in 1876 by D. H. Conklin.
He staid as superintendent until 1880 when he was relieved by
S. B. Reed as receiver. He appointed J. M. Murry, Superintendent.
Both Messrs. Reed and Murry resigned in 1882 and went to the Canadian
pacific. Succeeded by Mr. T. D. Gant, as receiver Mr. A. H. Crocker
was receiver when the Santa Fe bought the road, December 15th,
1886. He staid for a while as Superintendent. Was succeeded by
H. C. Ives as Superintendent. Mr. B. T. Lewis was private Secretary
to the President. Afterwards Chief Clerk to Mr. A. A. Robinson,
C. E. And G. M. Of the AT&SF Ry. Mr. F. Plumb was Sec.
Sheet #4 - Illinois Division. Pekin Branch - Continued.
On the 21st day of September, 1872, the first train was run through
from Pekin to Streator (a mixed train) The original contractors
were Pierce, Clark & Sharp. They failed. Contract transferred
to Col. Ralph Plumb, on January 6th, 1873. The road from Streator
to Pekin was formally opened for freight and passenger trains.
The old Chicago, Pekin and South Western bought and condemned
at one time the right-of-way from Streator Junction (Eureka) to
Pekin Junction and did considerable grading in short stretches
over the entire line (approximately six miles) but never, laid
any track upon it. They have now lost all right and title to same
by adverse possession. They own one track however, through Eurka
Yard, which they maintain and look after. At on time they had
a round house, turntable, etc. At Streator Junction. The remains
of the foundation are still visible. The old Company stopped for
some time at Streator and ran out northwest toward Plainfield.
They then changed back to about where the line now is in 1875.
They built from Streator to Mazon Creek, where they met the C.
& A. (Formerly the Chicago & Illinois River R.R. ) and
ran into Chicaog over the C. & A. In 1884-'85 they built into
Chicago from the reverse curve, just West of Mazon Creek to Western
Avenue and 26th Street and connected with the street cars and
then used the Grand Trunk to get to Dearborn Station. Mr. Hinkley
built the bridge over Mazon Creek.
The Santa Fe got a charter for the AT&SF RR Co. In Chicago.
Incorporated in Illinois May 11th 1887. Sold March 26th, 1902
to the AT&SF Ry. Co.
The Santa Fe bought the 26th street line form the Grand Trunk
Railway Company, July 20th, 1887. Leased to the Illinois-Northern
Railway Company August 1st, 1902, for fifty years. They, Chicago,
Pekin and South Western stopped quite a while at Joliet waiting
for money to go on. They had a hard financial struggle, form beginning
to end, but found a very satisfactory purchaser in the Santa Fe.
It is said they made good money and paid up all debts with a handsome
surplus left over. At one time they had a turntable, shops of
different kinds, just south of Corwith. The remains of the different
foundations can still be traced on the ground.
The red Express (Chicago to St. Louis) was put on in October 1890
and pulled off in the fall of 1892. The train was turned over
to the Peoria, Pekin & Jacksonville Railroad at Eureka, Illinois.
At Pekin a new 6-stall Frame Round House was built in 1916-1917,
by Contractor Lundgren & Carlson A new 85-ft. Steel Turntable
was put in at the same time. (JMM-c)
At Toluca we built a reservoir in 1902 of nineteen million capacity,
one-half a mile west of the Depot, south side of the track, 14
square miles drainage area. Water is not treated.
Page 43. See History of Santa Fe's entrance into Galesburg by
Col. Clark E. Carr.
W. Selden Gale of Galesburg, Ill.,
purchased right - of - way through Illinois.
Died in 1900.
Asst. Right - of - way
Agents were:
Wm. Mellar, Canton Ill.
John Sloan, Magoon, Ill.
- Grading began - January 1, 1887.
- Grading completed - October 1, 1887
-Tracklaying began - October 3, 1887
- Tracklaying completed, Jan 25, 1888
Page 48.
6th PARAGRAPH; - Preliminary
- A. M. Whiting, C.E.
- 1868 Location completed
- 1869 Grading Began
- 1869 Grading finished
- 1870 Tracklaying began
- 1870 Tracklaying ended
Fort Madison (State Line ) to Sheffield, 214.20 Miles long.
Built under the same charter as the Illinois Division, viz; Incorporated
in Illinois as the Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railway Company,
December 3rd, 1886. Sold June 1st 1900 to the Santa Fe.
The Mississippi River Railroad and toll bridge company was a separate
charter. Incorporated in Illinois November 9th, 1886. Length 0.61
miles long. Sold to the Santa Fe June 1st, 1900. This bridge was
built under the direction of Mr. O. Chanute, Consulting Engineer,
in 1887-'88. W. W. Curtis, Resident Engineer. Built by the Union
Bridge Company.
Grading was started January 1st, 1887. First passenger train over
Missouri Division January 29th, 1888. D. J. Chase, Chicago, General
Superintendent. C. L. Nichols, Superintendent, Ft. Madison. Mr.
Chase was succeeded by H. R. Nickerson and Mr. Nichols by W. E.
At Fort Madison a new brick depot was built in 1909-'10.
The Keokuk Dam was commenced January 1st, 1910. Last concrete
put in dam May 31st, 1913. Current delivered at St. Louis, July
1st, 1913. First boat through lock June 12th, 1913.
Our Yards at Shopton and Ft. Madison, except the Main Line are
below high water. High water is estimated by the Keokuk Dam People
at 525.2'. It may go above this. If it does they become liable
for damages under Contract. El B.M. at Anthes Hotel. 541.32 Memphis
Datum. Equation between Santa Fe and Memphis datum 12.81. Santa
Fe datum, base of rail Bridge 231-A (old 335) 530.07. Memphis
datum 542.88. Estimated high water 525.20. Waiting room floor
Ft. Madison Depot 531.30 Waiting room floor Freight Depot 531.39.
Shopton office floor 530.01.
At Devils Creek near Macuta, the steel span was washed off the
abutments June 8th, 1905 and new span and girder were put in 1907.
Grade as raised about 2-1/2 feet before bridge was built.
The Santa Fe through Iowa (19.90 miles) was incorporated in Iowa
as the Chicago, Santa Fe and California Railway Company, December
13th , 1886. Sold July 15th, 1887, to the C.S.F. & C. Ry.
Co. Sold to the A.T.&S.F. Ry. Co. June 1st, 1890.
Just East of Dumas there is an old roadbed graded on the North
side of the track leading to stone quarry put in by L.W. Lewis
for a stone crusher in 1888. Pulled up in 1890. Relaid in 1892.
The stone for the Media & Williamsfield Bridges came from
this quarry. L. W. Lewis installed a crusher plant there again
in 1894-'95. The tracks were taken up in 1896. It is about a mile
from the Main Line to the quarry.
The DesMoines River was the dividing line, between the Chief Engineers
on construction. B. F. Booker, Chief Engineer, DesMoines River
to Sheffield under A. A. Robinson. (see description Illinois Division).
Mr. O. Chanut was Consulting Engineer for Des Moines River Bridge.
Just West of Dumas Yard, L. W. Lewis Sons have a stone quarry
and rock crusher.
Between Wyaconda and Gorin about Mile Post 275.6 there is an old
abandoned roadbed, known as the Buell Line. It was proposed to
build this line from Canton, Missouri on the Mississippi River
to Centerville, Iowa, standard gauge. The grading was started
in 1866. Stopped for a few years. Was revived again in 1877. It
was to pass through the towns of Bunker Hill, Williamstown, Fairmont,
Memphis and on to Centerville, Iowa. Understand the track was
laid at one time to within five miles of Williamstown.
At Medill, the C.B.&Q. Built and own the depot and brick platform.
Operated jointly with the Santa Fe.
At Marceline a new brick depot and office building was built in
1912-13. Opened April 10th, 1913. A new freight depot was built
the same year. Also a lunch stand. Leased and built on by F. M.
And Arthur Wolfe, in 1913.
We have made a survey from Marceline to Rothville for a double
track on a 0.50% grade, but as long as we have already double
tracked on an 0.80% grade, it is doubtful if it is ever built.
This piece of double tracking was done before we decided to change
the grade from an 0.80% to 0.50% grade. The proposed line has
been located and is in every way feasible.
At Grand River there was very high water and some bad washouts
in 1907. The grade was raised and a new double track bridge put
in over Dean Lake, and tow over-flow bridges East of Grand River
and a new double track span built over Grand River and an over-flow
bridge put in West of Grand River. When Grand River bridge was
originally built in 1887-'88 it was done under the direction of
Mr. O. Chanute, Consulting Engineer.
At Mendon and Dean Lake the depots were moved to the opposite
side of Track (South Side)
At Carrollton a new brick depot was bult in 1916-17 by Lungred
& Carlson. Work begun September 1916. Finished June 1917 -
Cost $20,000.00.
When the double track was built in 1907 at Lexington Junction
a new brick depot was built in 1912 and 1913. Agent moved in on
January 27, 1913.
Also a brick lunch Stand, by Phillips & Hamilton in 1913.
The yard was also remodeled in 1912 and 1913.
The Sibley Bridge Company was built under a separate charter.
Incorporated in Missouri, March 24, 1887. Length 0.76 of a mile.
Sold to The A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., June 1st, 1890. Mr. O.
Chanute was Consulting Engineer under Mr.. A. A. Robinson. John
F. Wallace, Resident Engineer. C. J. Bell, Asst. Engineer. W.
H. Harvey, Inspector. The Original Bridge was built by the Union
Bridge Company in 1887-'88 and rebuilt in 1913-'14-'15. The bridge
was taken down and erected by the Missouri Valley Bridge Company
and Company forces. The American Bridge Company made the Bridge.
Mr. F. H. Frailey was the Engineer in Charge.
The Missouri Pacific use the Santa Fe track from Eton to Congo,
a distance of 7.70 miles. (see Contract No. 15437).
In the west end of the Fort Maison Yard the line was changed and
thrown north and grade changed, at Deveils Creek. The grade was
raiesed about 2-1/2 feet. At Mile Post 257.2 there was a big change
in line.
West of Dumas a 6 degree curve was changed to a 3 degree curve
and slight change made in the grade. There was one 3 degree curve
eliminated at Mile Post 257.8. At Mile Post 258.0 we changed a
4 degree 30 minute to a 3 degree curve. At Mile Post 258.5 we
changed a 4 degree curve t a 3 degree curve.
West of Revere we changed the line as follows:
Mile Post 261.8 at 5 degree curve was changed to a 3 degree curve
" " 252.2 a 4 degree curve was eliminated
" " 262.5 there was a 4 degree curve eliminated
" " 262.6 there was a 2 degree curve inserted account
of change of line
" " 262.7 there was a 4 degree curve taken out at this
same change of line
" " 265.2 there was a 4 degree curve changed to a 3
degree curve.
" " 265.9 there was a 5 degree 30 minute curve changed
to a 3 degree curve.
Mile Post 283.1 West of Gorin, there was a change of line and
a 6 degree curve was changed to a 3 degree curve.
Mile Post 283.4 a 6 degree curve was changed to a 3 degree curve.
" " 283.6 there was a change of line, a 3 degree curve
was eliminated and a 1 degree curve was put in at Mile Post 289.2
West of Rutledge, there was a 4 degree curve changed to a 3 degree
West of Fabious, Mile Post 291.2 there was a 6 degree curve changed
to a 3 degree curve. At Motter, Mile Post 292.0 there was a 3
degree curve changed to a 1 degree 30 minute curve.
Just East of Kenwood, there was a change of line. Mile Post 300.4
- 2 4 degree curves taken out replaced by a 2 degree curve.
West of La Plata there was a change of line, Mile Post 319.0,
there was a 4 degree curve taken out and replaced by a 2 degree
At Mile Post 319.4 there was a 3 degree curve taken out and replaced
by a 3 degree curve.
West of Cardy, Mile Post 325.8 a 6 degree curve was taken out
and replaced by a 0.30 minute curve.
West of Ethel, there was a change of line. Mile Post 336.1, there
was a 4 degree curve changed to a 3 degree curve. Also at Mile
Post 336.5 a 4 degree curve was changed to a 1 degree curve.
West of Hart, Mile Post 341.8, there was a 6 degree curve changed
to a 4 degree curve. At Mile Post 342.0 there was a 6 degree curve
changed to a 4 degree curve.
West of Marceline at at Mile Post 357.5 there was a 6 degree curve
changed to a 2 degree curve. West of Dean Lake, Mile Post 377.1
there was a 4 degree curve changed to a 2 degree curve.
West of Sibley, Mile Post 431 to 433, there was a change of line,
six curves were changed and reduced to four curves. Mile Post
433.5 a 6 degree curve changed to a 3 degree curve.
There was a piece of momentum grade put in West of Bosworth. East
Bound Mile Post 382 and 383. Rate 1%. West Bound Mile Post 383.2
and Mile Post 384. Rate 1.50%. These grades were put in. Where
we reduced the grade from an 0.80% grade to 0.50% grade in order
to overcome the undesirable height of the two bridges over the
Big Creek. The first one was about 1800 - Ft. Long and the second
one was about 2000-ft long. So far we have never had any trouble.
They work O.K.
The grade was ordered changed Sheffield to Marceline from an 0.8%
to 0.5% in and it has all been done except Sheffield to Congo
and Rothville to Marceline.
We use the Wabash for our East bound trains on double track between
Carrollton Junction and Hardin (17.70 Miles). See contract #22103.
They use our west bound track, Carrollton Junction to Camden Junction
- 29.50 miles.
Sheet #3 - Missouri Division.
The first double tracking was put into operation the following
Shopton to Newton, Boston in 1907
New Boston to Wyaconda in 1910
Wyaconda to Bucklin in 1911
Bucklin to Marceline in 1907
Marceline to Rothville in 1906
Rothville to Carrollton in 1913
Carrollton to Carrollton, Jct. in 1907
Carrollton Jct., to Hardin (17.79 Mi. Wabash Track)
Hardin to Lexington Jct. in 1907
Lexington Jct. To Camden Jct. in 1907
Camden Jct. to Floyd (single Track)
Floyd to East End Sibley Bridge in 1915
Sibley Bridge (single Track)
West End Sibely Bridge to Sibley in 1915
Sibley to Eton in 1910
Eton to Congo in 1905
Elmer - About two miles West of the station, North side of track
burnt in 1892- '93. Mike Osborne. Contractor, for the American
Clay Ballast Company, Mr. Osborne was at one time Superintendent
of Roadway and Bridges for the Santa Fe, 1886-1888.
Rothville - About one mile West of Depot, North side of track
burn in 1896, by the Davie Clay Ballast Company.
Norborne - West of the station, about two miles North side of
the track, Burnt in 1893. Second pit same location was burnt in
1896 by the same company.
"Mr. E. S. Rice,
Chicago, Illinois.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of May 9th, addressed to Mr. F. M. Bisbee,
asking him to have me write a synopsis of the early preliminary
and location surveys, Kansas City to Chicago, giving dates of
beginning, ending, etc. I have been in Amarillo two days during
the month of May, hence the delay in writing you.
I am afraid that I can give you but little of what you ask for;
for while I was connected with the work, I was only interested
in a part of it and as for dates, I can only give them in a general
way, have also forgotten the names of some who were prominently
associated with the work.
Early in the Autumn of 1884, Mr. Horace Ropes, organized a locating
party of which H. C. Todd was Transitman, I was Levelman and C.
M. Duncan, Topographer. We mobilized at Fort Madison and spent
some time there making soundings in the Miss. River, the first
idea being to cross below the present bridge and make use of an
Island, now submerged since the building of the Keokuk dam. We
also made soundings opposite Dallas City. The line, however, as
then located was approximately where the road is constructed,
from a point on the Illinois shore opposite Ft. Madison, We located
the line as far as Dallas City on an abandoned roadbed. The grading
has been done (we were told) prior to the Civil war, which caused
its abandonment. We were in the field until early in December
1884 and ran the line from Ft. Madison to a point about twenty
miles east of Galeton. Mr. R. L. Engle was in charge of the work,
and probably had parties in the field east and west of use. He
reported to a man named Morse who was connected with the Kansas
City stock yards. We had no camping outfit but foraged on the
inhabitants, parceling out a few at the various farm houses as
we went along, having no charter, we had much trouble in obtaining
consent to cross the farms and in the vicinity of Galesburg were
driven off the farms many times. For a conveyance we had a band
wagon and four horses. The members of the party were discharged
R.R. men whom we picked up at Fort Madison (aside from those I
have named) Three got drunk at Dallas City and pawned the note
books when Ropes Todd, Duncan and myself were on the line. We
discharged them and engaged more and at Galesburg these also filled
up and we made another change.
The party was disbanded in December. Messrs. Ropes, Duncan and
myself going to Chicago, where we worked up estimates and maps
during the remainder of the time, until March 1885. I was detailed
to look up an entrance into Chicago and make approximate estimate
of cost of right-of-way. It is needless to say that my report
was of no value. We had an office on the corner of Clark and adams
Street, over "Nicholl and Tailor". I think it was the
Lakeside Building. The tailor shop is yet there.
In the summer of 1885, Mr. A. A. Robinson loaned Messrs. B. F.
Booker, M. F. Temple, E. L. Burdick and myself to Mr. C. C. Upham,
then Chief Engineer of the B. & M. Ry. And we reported to
him at Denver, after running some lines in Colorado we were taken
to St. Paul. On the construction of the Chicago, Burlington &
Northern Ry., Mr. Temple and myself were given divisions, while
Mr. Booker was made Resident Engineer over us, with R. L. Engle
in charge of construction. The following February, 1886. Mr. Robinson
sent for Mr. Booker and myself and we reported at Topeka. We went
from there to St. Louis and eventually reached Keokuk, the idea
being to not have it known where we were going. I rented an office
of four rooms and went to St. Louis, where I bought $5000.00 worth
fo instruments of A.L. Aloe & Co., also ordered 40 tents of
the Mo. &
page 45 Meade's Manual transcribed in altered form for the web
by Russell Crump
Sheet #4 - Missouri Division.
Letter from J. H. Snow to E. S. Rice - Early Location. Continued.
Tent and Awning Company. We had been given a large package of
letters of application for employment by Mr. Robinson and we wrote
to as many as we thought we could make use of in eight locating
parties, doing all our work with pen and ink (we did not have
a typewriter during the year we were there) All letters were signed
B.F. Booker. He had no title during the location work, although
I think possibly he did sign as "Chief Engineer". Every
man to whom he had offered a position as Locating Engineer replied
asking what Company were doing the work and what guarantee they
could have for payment of salaries. Mr. Bookes replied that the
fact that they had been recommended by Mr. A. A. Robinson should
be sufficient guarantee. We got eight parties in the field in
a very short time. They were in charge of John Fulton, Sanford
A. Horton, C. S. Carpenter, Weeks, Horace R. Ropes, A.S. Robinson,
A> C. Swwaaartz.
I am quite sure that there were eight parties and yet I cannot
recall another Locating Engineer. It is barely possible that a
man named Miller had one, of M. F. Temple, who came to us later
form the C.B.&N.
We had no property belonging to the Santa Fe, not even stationery,
pencils, etc. And when letters were sent to Mr. Robinson they
were addressed to John Z. Roarback in Kansas City, he in turn
receiving these from Mr. Robinson and forwarding them to Mr. Booker.
No one was allowed in our private office but Mr. Booker and myself.
Our money for expenses and payroll was deposited by a bank in
St. Louis in a bank at Keokuk, subject to Mr. Booker's check.
I was paymaster, auditor, purchasing agent, chief clerk and in
fact held all offices but that of Chief Engineer. My accounts
were all kept in a level book, and we disbursed about $10,000.00
per month. We were constantly being entertained by good people
of Keokuk and Fort Madison, where a system of pumping was always
most evident. Three crossings we located of the Miss. River, at
Kekuk, Ft. Madison and a Warsaw. The latter is more nearly on
an air line. We had a drafting department under Mr. R. C. Simon,
a very able man. No word had leaked out as to who we were, or
as to the relative length of the several lines, until just before
the parties were disbanded. One night Messrs. Booker, Simons and
myself figured out the three lengths from the connections made
by the various parties. It was reported in the "St. Louis
Globe Democrat" the next day. Mr. Booker and I roomed together,
we had not been apart since the figures had been made. There was
only one other party who knew what they were. Mr. Robinson in
acknowledging receipt of the report made by Mr. Booker giving
the lengths of therse lines, thanked him and said he had already
read the report in the St. Louis Globe Democrat. This was a hard
blow for Mr. Booker. He had worked so hard to avoid any publicity
and had done so until the very last. In December 1886, we moved
to Kansas City and the construction was begun in January 1887.
Persuaded Mr. Booker to allow me to go into the field and was
made Division Engineer from a point east of Carrollton, Mo. To
Mendon. I am sorry I can not tell you more of the important things
in connection with the location work. The old payrolls should
reflect the names of the old timers, although I presume they have
been destroyed.
There were of course many amusing incidents in connection with
the work, and Horace Ropes and I get together frequently and sit
up all night taling them over. John A. Fulton is not in Los Angeles
with the Pacific Electric Co..
If There are any questions you wish to ask, let them come - I
will answer if I can. I was also on the preliminary and location
(as well as construction) of the line Willow Springs (Raton) to
the Needles.
Yours Sincerely
(Signed) J. H. Snow.
Amarillo, Texas.
MONDAY, JUNE 1st, 1903.
On Monday, June 1st, 1903, there occurred a very disastrous washout
at Parker Lake, M.P. 422+1578, old Bridge No. 591, new No. 422-A
and at Fishing River, M.P. 423+640., old Bridge No. 592 new No.
At the first named there was a 110-ft. Pile bridge, put into the
embankment by the Construction Company to allow a Public Road
to pass under. Fishing River and the Missouri River broke over
their banks and the flood waters poured through this hole and
took out about 700-ft. Of embankment and track and ploughed out
a great lake below the bridge, afterward called Parker Lake. A
temporary pile bridge was driven and gradually filled up by Work
Train and the embankment restored. It took several years to do
the filling, which extended well out into the lake or hole on
the South side. The road under the bridge is still maintained,
but raised sufficiently to be above high water.
At Fishing River, the original bridge was a Howe Truss and pile
Rebuilt with three 60-ft. Deck girders, a 14-ft. Pile approach
on the East end and an 86-ft. pile approach on the West end. After
the above flood the grade was raised 8.41-ft. And seven 90-ft.
Deck girders put in on concrete piers with pile foundations.
The flood washed off one-60' girder at the East End and dropped
it in the mud. The East pier was washed away. The next two piers
and one-60' girder were left standing. The two piers were not
damaged nor the West Girder; they remained intact and helped to
do their part in holding up the trains while the new bridge was
being rebuilt. James Standard & Co., of Kansas City, Mo.,
had the contract for putting in the pile foundations, remodeling
and raising the old masonry and rebuilding the bridge.
Referring to Mr. Meade's letter, - I was Conductor on #1 October
30th, 1905, Dad Rust was the Engineer, Wm. Long, Fireman, now
freight Engineer, Missouri Division. Rus Holmes, Flagman, now
living at Fort Madison and working fot the State of Iowa as guard
at the prison.
Without referring to train book, our train was made up as follows:
1-M, 2-B, 2-C, 3-TS, 3-Standards and DC. We were about on time.
The wreck took place about 10:51 A.M. in Big Rock Cut, one mile
east of Sheffield. There is a reverse curve in this cut. The curve
starts just as you pass off bridge. This is where the front pair
of wheels on the engine tank left the rail and turned the rail
over. The engine stopped about 150-ft. Ahead of the train with
this pair of wheels off. The mail car left the track, went into
rock bluff on south side, glancing off, tearing the side out,
plowing a quantity of rock, dirt and rubbish into the car. If
I remember correctly, there were 5 mail clerks in the car, they
were all more or less injured. All fully recovered, but the mail
car glancing off let the baggage car into the rocks head on. There
were two men in the baggage car, Jameison and Tagardine, Jameison
was killed outright, Tagardine bodily injured, leg broken and
never fully recovered. The baggage car backed through the smoker,
cutting the top off, and into the chair car up to the swinging
door. The smoker looked like a flat car. There was about forty
people in the smoker, 12 killed outright, 1 died in the hospital,
this including John McGregor, dead heading to Topeka as a witness
for the Company, Porter Sims and a waiter named Richards. Passengers
and employees in the balance escaped injury. Balance of the train
back of the chair car was on the track and taken back to Kansas
City , Via Mo. Pacific. Using front TS for the injured. We were
able to get the injured started for Kansas City in about 1 hour.
Dead were taken to Kansas City via Sheffield, later. I did not
get the names of the dead and injured. This was taken care of
by the Claim Department. If I left out any information Mr. Meade,
would like to have, would be pleased to give to him, any time.
(Signed) S. V. Montrose,
At Wyaconda, Mo,. We built a reservoir in 1887 against the dump
of the railroad bank, 19 million gallon capacity, one-half miles
West of the depot, South side of the track, Drainage area 0.16
square Mi. Not reliable in dry weather.Spillway through dump.
At Baring., Mo., we built a reservoir in 1914. 40-million gallons
capacity 0.2 miles West of the depot, South side of the track
0.39 miles drainage area. Plenty of water at all times. Single
At La Plata, Mo., we have a reservoir built in 1907, 102-1/2 million
gallons capacity 0.8 miles East of depot, South side of track.
Drainage area 0.42 square miles. Plenty of water. Double spillway.
Ethel: When the road was built in 1888, we made a good pond against
the railroad dump, 0.6 miles West of the depot. North side of
the track, 67 million gallons capacity. Drainage area 0.23 square
miles. Fed by perpetual springs. One of our best. Spillway - Pipe
through dump.
Marceline: We have a reservoir of 56 million gallons capacity,
built back of the yard, North side of the track 0.7 miles, West
of Depot, built in 1888. Drainage area 0.25 square miles. Not
in use now. Supply not reliable. We take water from City who have
a reliable reservoir East of town, south side of the track.
Swanwick: Concrete Dam., over Crooked River. No spillway. Water
flows over top of dam. Built in 1914. Capacity one-million gallons.
Located 1 mile east of depot, north side of track. Drainage area
26.0 square miles. Supply O.K. Water is not treated.
76.40 Miles Long.
Incorporated in Missouri, January 8th, 1868, as the St. Louis
& St. Joseph Railroad Co..
Incorporated in Missouri March 19th, 1874, as the St. Joseph &
St. Louis Railroad Co..
Incorporated in Missouri as the St. Joseph St. Louis & Santa
Fe Railroad Company, August 8th, 1887.
Incorporated in Missouri August 8th, 1887 as the St. Joseph &
Santa Fe Railroad Company Name Changed January 30th, 1888 to St.
Joseph, St. Louis & Santa Fe Railway Company. Sold June 1st,
1900 to the A.T.&S.F. Ry. Company.
This line was built under the original charter name - St. Louis
& St. Joseph Railroad Company by a local company, mostly St.
Joseph & St. Louis men and capital. It soon went into bankruptcy
with a Mr. Sheridan as receiver. Mr. Arthur B. Gower was Superintendent
of Construction. Mr. A. M. Whiting was Chief Engineer.
Mr. John Baden had the contract for laying all of the track. Construction
commenced early in 1869. Finished in 1870 and line opened that
year. Mr. Gower as Superintendent. The Stations and town of Gower
were named after him.
On June 1st, 1874, the Wabash leased it. It was then called the
St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern, afterwards changed to "The
Wabash", St . Louis & Pacific Railway Company" On
June 28th, 1884 the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific went into
the hands of receivers and was then operated by them. Until June
30th, 1886, on which date it was dropped from the Wabash System.
Winslow Judson, as President of the St. Joseph & St. Louis
Railroad Company operated it from June 30th, 1886 to August 8th,
1887 when it was sold to the St. Joseph & St. Louis &
Santa Fe Ry. Company, then the Santa Fe took charge and commenced
to operate it. Sold to the A.T.&S.F. Ry. June 1st. 1900. Mr.
F. S. Harris Superintendent and operated it under Mr. Winslow
Judson. The line crossed the main line of the Wabash at Lexington
Junction and terminated on the left bank of the Missouri River
opposite the town of Lexington where it connected with a ferry
The Grand Island Operated their trains over the line from St.
Joseph to Gower, a distance of twenty miles from August 1st, 1898
(Contract dated August 1st, 1898) See Secretary's No. 12981. They
discontinued using the Santa Fe tracks, August 31st, 1914. The
Chicago & Great Western operated their trains over the line
St. Joseph to Bee Creek Jct, a distance of 7.90 miles. They began
to operated, effective December 31st, 1890.
On March 18th, 1874, The Farmers Loan & Trust Company sold
under the mortgage to them, towit: As a Trustee; in consideration
of $100,000.00 all property rights and franchises of the St. Louis
& St. J. R.R. Co., to S. Angier Chase: sale was made in New
York, February 18th, at the Merchants Exchange and the deed is
signed by The Farmers Loan & Trust Company, by R. G. Robston
(Ralston), President, acknowledged the same date (March 18th,
1874) and filed for record April 18th, 1874 and is of record ti
the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Buchanan County, in Book
75, page 209.
The St. J. & St. L. R.R. Co., seems to have been organized
at this time and, on the 20th day of March, two days after he
purchased the same, S. A. Chase, of Dall River conveyed to the
St.J.& St. L. R.R. Co., all the property right and franchises,
formerly owed by the St. L.& St. J. R.R. Co., for a consideration
of $100,000.00; conveyance acknowledged on March 31, by Chase
and wife. Recorded in Book 75-All in Records Office, Buchanan
County, Missouri. On June 1, 1874, The St. J. & St. L. RR
Co., leased to the St. Louis, Kansas City & Northern Railway
Company. In the year 1879, the latter road was consolidated with
the Wabash and the property was known as the Wabash, St. Louis
& Pacific Railway Company. This road went into the hands of
receivers, June 28th, 1884 and road was operated by them from
April 24, 1886 to June 30, 1886 on which date the lease was broken
by default of rent.
On January 31, 1888, The St. J. & St. L. Was consolidated
with the St. J. & St. L. And Santa Fe Raiway Comapany, the
Latter road giving first mortgage to the Boston Safe Deposit &
Trust Company, and floated bonds to cover purchase. On June 1,
1900 the St. J. St. L. & Santa Fe was consolidated with the
AT&SF Railway. The line as now operated extends from the north
bank of the Missouri River, northwest thru the counties of Ray,
Clay, Clinton and Buchanan to the City of St. Joseph.
Incorporated in Missouri, March 22nd, 1880 - 50 years.
Capital Stock authorized - $100,000
- 10,000 issued
R.R. Co's - 90,000 shares
Directors - 10,000 shares
The following roads use the depot: The A.T.& S,F,, The C.B.&
Q., The Chicago & Great Western, Central Branch, the Missoouri
Pacific, Rock Island and St. Joseph & Grand Island.
The Union Depot Company own 2,305 miles of track
The Union depot was built in 1882, Allen & Co., Contractors.
Burned February 1895. Rebuilt at once by Carter & Co., Contractors
of St. Louis, Mo. Occupied 1st, 1896.
Incorporated in Missouri, January 5th, 1887 - 99 years.
Acquired by purchase. The property of St. Joseph Terminal Company,
incorporated in Missouri November 8th, 1886.
Capital Stock - $500,000. - Authorized
300,000. - issued
The St. Joe & G.I. R.I. Ry. - 1,496 - shares
The A.T.& S. F. Ry.)
Ass'd. To U.T. Co. NYW) - 1,496 - shares
Directors and Tellers - 19 - shares
The Company owns 10.50 Miles of track.
1.50 Miles.
Built under same charter as the line St. Joseph to Winthrop. Opened
July 12th,
1888. Right-of-Way, Track, etc., everything sold to St. Joseph
Stock Yards Company, January 12th, 1898.
See quit clain deed, Secretary's No. 12012, sold by the St. Joseph,
St. Louis and
Santa Fe Ry. Co.. (Santa Fe) reserving the right to use said right-of-way
and operate trains over it until the first day of July 1898, and
reserving and excepting from said grant all rails, ties, switches,
switch stands, structures and appliances, located or placed there
on by said party of the first part (Santa Fe) or in its behalf
10.60 Miles
The Kansas City Belt Railway Company, is a consolidation, March
13th, 1886, of the two following described Companies.
1st. Kansas City Belt Railway Company, a Missour Corporation,
organized June 28, 1882 - Diectors, Chas Francis Adams, Jr., (President)
C. F. Morse (Vice President and Treasurer) Wallace Pratt, W. J.
Perry, E. E. Richardson, (A. E. Touzalin and A. A. Robinson, December
2nd. Kansas City Belt Railroad Company, a Kansas Corporation,
organized March 28, 1885; Directors, A.A. Robinson, J.F. Goddard,
Edward Wilder, Geo. H. Nettleton, Wallace Pratt.
The first directors and officers of the consolidated Company were
Geo. H..Nettleton (President) C. W. Smith, (Vice-President) C.
F. Morse (Roswell Miller, July 1886) Edward Wilder (Treasurer)
J. F. Goddard, Wallace Pratt (General Attorney) W. J. Ferry (Secretary).
The line began near the eastern limits of Kansas City Missouri,
at Rock Creek Junction where it connected with the C.&A. Ry.
And extended Westerly to Clark's Junction (C.R.I.&P.) in Kansas
City Kansas. The last 1.2 miles on the West was built in 1900.
The length in Missouri is 7.04 miles. In Kansas 3.56 miles, total
10.60 miles.
The Kaw River Bridge, lands for right-of-way and some tracks were
bought from the Kaw Valley Town Site & Bridge Company and
the Kaw Valley Railway & Improvement Company, allied interest
of the Kansas City Stock Yards Company, which had intended to
move its yards to land in Kansas, west of 15th Street. The Belt
Railway Comapny also bought tracks extending from the State Line
to Grand Avenue from the Union Transit Company and the Kansas
City Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad Company (Deed, May 31, 1884)
Geo. H. Nettleton was President until his death March 26, 1896.
Daniel Bontecou, (Chief Engineer) (1882-1886) was succeeded by
W. B. Knight, May 1886. Grading East of Grand Avenue was begun
in 1884,
Original Company Stock was owned as follows (100,000.00)
Kansas City Topeka & Western 5/10
Kansas City Fort Scott & Gulf 3/10
Kansas City Stock Yards Co. 2/10
and transferred to Geo. H. Nettleton and Edward Wildern, Trustees
In July 1886 the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company
acquired the interest of the Kansas City Stock Yards Company.
A contract with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
Company was made May 31, 1887 and that Company began running its
trains over the line December 5, 1887.
The Chicago Santa Fe and California Railway (Construction Company)
began use of the line January 29, 1888. The Chicago, Santa Fe
& California Railway Company began its regular operating service
April 29, 1888. The contrat with the latter for 99 years was dated
May 31, 1888.
The Chicago Passenger trains of these lines first used a small
frame station at Walnut Street. The Grand Avenue Passenger Station
was completed in April 1889.
1st Superintendent 1885, Day K. Smith - 1892. Succeeded in 1892
by D. W. Rider (1910)
The Kansas City Belt Railway Company was conveyed by deed, March
1st, 1910 to the Kansas City Terminal Railway Company.
Capital stock $30,000,000. Authorized. Increased by certificate
filed March 28th, 1907 to $50,000,000. Pioneer Trust Company.
The purposse of building this line was primarily for an outlet
for the Santa Fe to Chicago.
Joun V. Hanna, Chief Engineer, B. E. Ellis, Signal Engineer. Jarvis
Hunt, Architect. A. H. Buckley, Supt. Of Construction. E. W. Brown,
Inspector. Also W. W. Harris, M. E. Grant and L. F. McClure, Inspectors.
Work on the depot began in 1911, during the summer. Completed
and formally opened November 1st, 1914 Geo. A. Fuller, Contractor,
Chicago. Ill.
54.10 Miles.
(Sold December 14, 1899)
Incorporated in Kansas, December 20, 1884. Charter amended August
26, 1887.
Built from Forsythe Junction, 5.30 miles from St. Louis to Union,
59.4 miles from St. Louis. Sold to D.R. Francis and others, February
14, 1899.
The original road was built as a narrow gauge, from Union Avenue
in the western part of St. Louis, length 3 miles. Its title was
"St. Louis County Railroad", afterward changed to standard
gauge and extended to Creave Coure Lake, 21 miles west of St.
A Mr. Billings from Boston financed the road. The first General
Manager was S. K. Brown. The first Chief Engineer, was a Mr. Emerson.
The Santa Fe bought the line when it ended at Creave Lake, W.
B. Strong, President. They extended it to Union, Missouri and
changed the name to St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado Railroad
Company. The pukrchase price, together with the cost of constructing
the road to Union, is said to have been $1,750,000.00 John McLeod
was the General Manager when the road was extended to Union, is
said to have been the Frisco was turned over to the Santa Fe,
at which time it was turned over to the Frisco to operate. The
Frisco continued to operate the road until they and the Santa
Fe went into the hands of receivers. The St. Louis, Kansas City
and Colorado also went into the hands of a receiver. Ideal Sherwood
of St. Louis was appointed receiver. E. O. Faulkner was made Manager,
Auditor and Treasurer. He served only a short time. Was succeeded
by T. H. Sears, June 8, 1895. Relieved October 3rd by W. M. Mitchell,
who was in charge when the road was sold to D. R. Francis and
others, December 14, 1899.
Today, this piece of railroad is known as the Rock Island between
St Louis and Kansas City.
(Back to Missouri Division Page)